How Marketing Your Center Handle Can Increase Sales

  • July 19, 2024

Marketing your center handle, can significantly contribute to customers positive perception and your store brand. Here are several key reasons why:


     1. Customer Engagement and Enhanced Experience:

  • Customizable Experience: By Creating unique and distinctive flavors you will drive customer loyalty and top line sales. Consumers love variety. Delight your customers with multiple creative/unique and constantly changing flavor options.
  • Encourages Repeat Visits: They are more likely to return to experiment with different combinations or satisfy specific cravings. This repeat business boosts your daily sales and builds customer loyalty. By offering unique flavor twists that aren't available elsewhere.

    2. Marketing and Promotional Opportunities:
  • Feature Special Flavors: Use the center handle as a focal point to showcase unique swirl flavors like Razzleberry or Raspberry Honey Cream. Promoting these flavors alongside the handle encourages customers to try them, driving sales through product visibility and curiosity.
  • By utilizing the center handle, you are getting a whole other flavor added to each machine.
  • Social Media Buzz: Highlighting the interactive aspect of a unique flavor of yogurt through posts and stories on social media platforms can generate excitement and attract new customers. 

    3. Competitive Edge and Brand Differentiation:
  • Distinctive Offering: Not all yogurt shops offer yogurt dispensers with a separate flavor from the center handle. By incorporating this feature and promoting it effectively, you differentiate your shop from competitors, making it a destination for those seeking a unique and engaging dessert experience.
  • Brand Perception: Enhancing customer interaction by marketing the center handle as its own flavor enhances your brand’s image as forward-thinking and customer-centric. This positive perception can lead to increased word-of-mouth referrals and a stronger brand reputation within the community.

    4. Upselling Opportunities:
  • Upsell Add-ons: Utilize the center handle as a platform to suggest additional toppings or complementary flavors that pair well with the yogurt being dispensed. This upselling tactic can increase the average transaction value per customer, thereby boosting overall sales and ROI.
  • For example you could have honey greek swirled with graham cracker and in flavor tag for the center handle it could be topped with gummi bears, encouraging the customer to add that topping and increase the weight of the cup.

    5. Swirl Flavor Examples
  • Razzleberry - Raspberry pomegranate sorbet swirled with Creamy Tart
  • Raspberry Honey Cream - Raspberry Pomegranate Sorbet swirled with Honey Greek
  • Pay Day - Peanut Butter with Salted Caramel Corn
  • Chocolate Turtle - Chocolate swirled with Salted Caramel
  • Unicorn - Cotton Candy swirled with Strawberry
  • Chocolate Covered Banana - Chocolate swirled with Banana wafer

 Marketing your center handle as a key feature in your yogurt shop not only enhances the customer experience, promotes unique flavors, and differentiates your brand. These factors collectively contribute to higher daily sales and a more favorable ROI, making it a valuable investment for your business growth and driving customer loyalty.

If you want to learn more about how Southwest Traders can help you market your swirl flavors please reach out to your sales rep.

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